HOMEProduct Iron Slotted Weights M1 class

Iron Slotted Weights M1 class

Cast Iron Slotted Weights are used in a variety of applications such as pressure, torque, and tensile strength testing. Slotted Weights are typically used with a hanger that also has itsweight calibrated so the hanger can be used as part of the overall weight under test.

Features and Specifications

Material: Cast iron

Class: M1

Density: 7.0g/cm³


For testing or calibrating weighing equipment with a division size of 1g or more, or for proof load testing


The weights have a slot to fit in value according to need


M1 M12 M2 M23 M3
50kg 2500 5000 8000 16000 25000
20kg 1000 3000 10000
10kg 500 1600 5000
5kg 250 800 2500
2kg 100 300 1000
1kg 50 160 500
500g 25 80 250
200g 10 30 100
100g 5 16 50
50g 3 10 30
20g 2.5 8 25
10g 2 6 20
5g 1.6 5 16
2g 1.2 4 12
1g 1 3 10

ASTM E617-13

± mg except as noted
Class 6 Class 7
50kg 5g 7.5g
30kg 3g 4.5g
25kg 2.5g 4.5g
20kg 2g 3.8g
10kg 1g 2.2g
5kg 500mg 1.4g
3kg 300 1.0g
2kg 200 750mg
1kg 100 470
500g 50 300
300g 30 210
200g 20 160
100g 10 100
50g 7 62
30g 5 44
20g 3 33
10g 2 21
5g 2 13
3g 2.0 9.4
2g 2.0 7.0
1g 2.0 4.5